Saturday, October 5, 2019

Business research paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Business research paper - Essay Example As part of the inquisition the research will make use of timestamps such as Weblog and news articles to feed as input materials to generate results that will be presented graphical. The graphical details will highlight major sentiments like anxiety, despair and disappointment. In addition, the development that comes with each of sentiments will be presented to illustrate for instance how the earthquake news was received and the corresponding reactions that followed afterwards. Essentially, the main motivation for using this method is for convenience since the participant dependent and independent variables are within meaningful reach. There are a good number of published as well as unpublished literature on the subject of sentiment analysis in both the academic and policy circles. Incidentally, in this review the most astounding works that have significant bearings on the subject matter will be reviewed. To begin with, it is undoubtedly prudent to establish the internal dynamics of sentimentalism. The paper benefits from the earlier work of pioneers who discovered the so-called semantic orientation of examination of a statement or a written material (Turney, 2002). Also according to Pang et la (2002), a sentence can be assessed to identify the positive and negative elements contained in it. Unlike the above mentioned works, this work will be influenced by the system of multi-polar analysis in order to draw the clear distinction between this and other previous papers. In a related context, researchers Mishne and de Rijke (2006) have advocated for a system that can evaluate momentary changes in the moods of people, it is what they term "Moodviews." Fundamentally, the analysis is carried out with the aid of over one hundred sentiments. A good number of scholarly works have been carried out on the question of "topic detection and tracking" with each of these groups making their own proposals depending on what is deemed fit for each circumstances. Interestingly, there is a gross limitation of work that fully addresses the utilization of sentiments under the "topic detection and tracking" column and this is precisely what this paper will be addressing. The process will also incorporate what Havre et al (2002), called information visualization. Research Results At the end of the research the following outcomes represented below are expected to be generated. A graph will be plotted to highlight the sentiments generated especially in the wake of the turbulent earthquake that occurred a little while before the official opening of the 2008 International Olympic Games hosted in Beijing, China. The X-axis of the graph will capture the dates where as the resultant sentiments will be presented on the Y-axis. The main sentiments expressed here are shock, anxiety and despair. Conclusion The research will deal with analyzing momentary trends in sentiments generated from the pre-Olympics euphoria as well as the aftermath. Qualitative and quantitative

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